Piedmont is the land where nature’s marvels, artistic-cultural assets and industrial innovations are combined in perfect harmony.
This has not gone unnoticed in the eyes of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), which over the years has always chosen new UNESCO sites in Piedmont.
As with the rest of the world, the UNESCO Piedmont heritage represents the legacy of the past which we benefit from today and which we pass on to future generations.
Here are some of the precious places chosen by UNESCO Piedmont.

The Sacri Monti (Sacred Mountains)

Having become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003, the Sacred Mountains are devotional paths dotted with groups of chapels, churches, kiosks and calvaries which preserve statues, frescoes and paintings depicting episodes from the Bible.
Among the many places, we remember the site of Varallo Sesia, the Sacred Mountains of Serralunga di Crea, the UNESCO site of Piedmont Orta San Giulio, dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, that of Oropa dedicated to the Madonna and the Sacred Mountain of Belmonte in Valperga, with its red granite hill.
The Sacred Mountains were created to offer the faithful a safer pilgrimage than the one to the Holy Land and have become an important meeting point for the faithful and lovers of religious art.
UNESCO Piedmont has recognised them as a world heritage site for the perfect integration between architectural elements and beautiful natural landscapes.

The prehistoric pile-dwelling sites of the Alpine arc

UNESCO Piedmont has included two Piedmontese prehistoric pile-dwelling sites among the 111 scattered along the European Alps, recognising them as a World Heritage Site.
These are the UNESCO sites of Piemonte di Azeglio (Lake of Viverone) and of Mercurago, in the Park of the Lagoni di Mercurago, located in humid environments, with an abundance of water and characterised by the presence of piles, i.e. huts of straw and wood built on a platform resting on poles fixed in the bottom of the lakes.
In 2011, Piedmont was recognised as a UNESCO heritage site because it represents a group of archaeological sites with a unique cultural richness, offering a picture of the world at the time of the first European agricultural communities.

The wine landscapes of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato

In 2014, UNESCO Piedmont made the wine landscapes of Langhe, Roero and Monferratoa world heritage sites, defining them as “an exceptional living testimony of the historical tradition of vine cultivation, winemaking processes, a social, rural context and a fabric based on wine culture”.
These UNESCO sites in Piedmont develop along gentle hills covered with vineyards, scattered with medieval castles and dotted with small villages, along the provinces of Alessandria, Asti and Cuneo.
UNESCO Piedmont has divided this area of over 10,000 hectares into six areas of interest, giving them an invaluable artistic-cultural value, as a testimony to the profound connection between the territory, settlements, and agricultural activity.

Ivrea 20th Century Industrial City

In 2018 a new UNESCO Piedmont site was added to the list of world heritage sites for humanity: Ivrea, an industrial city of the 20th century.
The importance of Ivrea lies in the exceptional example of its model of a modern industrial city, founded on the collaboration between business and workers, as it had been theorised by Adriano Olivetti. This UNESCO Piedmont site, recognisable in the urban fabric of the city, is composed of a complex of buildings both purely industrial and intended for residence and social services. The Olivetti Community Movement, in fact, brought together Italian architects and urban planners for the first time to set up a project for the city which had well-being and the growth of citizens and workers as a priority. This is the main reason which gave the city of Ivrea the honour of becoming one of the UNESCO sites of Piedmont.